Saturday, June 29, 2013

Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve

In chapter 10 of Joshua it talks about how the sun stood still. There are some who would say that the Bible can't be true because it contradict science but with the help of the Book of Mormon we know ways that it is possible for this to occur. In Helaman, Mormon explained that it isn't the sun that stayed still but the Earth.
The Lord is able to work miracles and he was able to slow, or stop the rotation of the earth.

In Chapters 7-22 we see many successes and very few failures of Israel. Some of their successes were defeating the Amorites, and others in the land, the people hear the law, the Gibeonites are servants to Israel, some are rewarded for their righteousness, and the people receive inheritances. During this time the people were righteous and were blessed for their faith in the Lord. Some people were punished and destroyed like Achan and his household and others, are banished to certain cities for manslaughter. They were also defeated by the people of Ai but were able to overcome that obstacle by following the prophet. Overall, the people were following the law and being blessed for their good deeds.

The people were asked by Joshua to choose before hardships came who they would serve. I think it had a lot to do with the commitment of the people to the Lord and his servants. When they had in their hearts the path they would go they were able to follow the right path. It is always easier to know before the hard decision comes what your answer will be.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

No False Gods

In Deuteronomy 4 The Lord asks the people to hearken unto the statutes and judgments of the Lord. This means to follow the commandments they have been given by the Lord. The Lord promises that if we keep these statutes as a people our nation will be great. We will be considered a wise and understanding people because we have the Lord with us in all of our doings. This example is what will bring others to the gospel. When we keep the statutes and judgments of the Lord people will want to be more like us due to our countenances. As parents we need to teach our children to live by the laws set forth by the Lord. it is our responsibility to raise them in the gospel.

Those of jewish heritage take the teaching of Deuteronomy quite literally by constructing a phylactery and a mezuzah. A phylactery was worn on the arm or the forehead with several scriptures inside. They were meant as reminders to those that wore them to keep the Lord at the heart of all they do. A mezuzah is another reminder with the scriptures that was put on the door frame of ones home. The people would touch the box when they left or came into their homes. Deuteronomy 6:5 was usually one of the verses included. It reads, "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

The Lord warned the Israelite people not to worship false gods and that the Lord was a jealous God and would not put up with their worship of any other worldly gods. The Lord told them to destroy those alters that were made in order to worship false gods. Today we might not have gods like back then but if we fear men more than we fear God we are worshiping their will, not the Lord's. If we care for money more than we can for our families we are again worshiping things of the world.

The Lord also commanded his people to not marry outside of the covenant. He warned them that if they did, they would be draw away from the Lord and start to worship false gods. He told them that if they did they would be destroyed suddenly. Marriage within the covenant brings baout so many earthly and eternal blessings. When we marry in the temple we are able to spend eternity with one another and to continue to build the kingdom of God. We will be able to become priests and priestesses if we remain faithful and worthy. If we forget that we have three degrees of heaven and the only way to achieve the highest degree is to marry in the temple then we can miss out on so many blessings! We are unable to live with our Heavenly Father forever. If that way, Satan wins because he doesn't want us to return to our Father in Heaven.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Brazen Serpent

The story of the Brazen serpent is an interesting one and one that shows the love and anger of the Lord. The Israelites were wandering in the wilderness with Moses and began to murmur against him and the Lord. The Lord heard their murmurings and cast fiery serpents upon them. Many of the people died but when the people repented the Lord made a way for them to be cleansed. It was quite simple, all they had to do was look upon the serpent on Moses' staff and they would be healed.

This story has quite a bit of symbolism.  When we have sinned or are unclean we can look to the Lord for forgiveness and repent of our sins and we can be made whole once again because of the atonement. The Lord has set up things that we can draw on for healing our physical ailments and spiritual ones. When we are sick we are able to receive priesthood blessings from a worthy priesthood holder. When we are spiritually burdened we can turn to the scriptures, our patriarchal blessing, or even the Bishop for guidance and redemption.

The most recent experience I've had of the healing power of the Atonement is when I had my daughter. Due to complications during my labor I had to have an emergency c-section and it was very hard on my body and my mind. During my recovery I was able to receive a blessing from my husband and father-in-law. I wasn't healed right away of course but I was comforted and I knew that the pain would pass. I felt as though the reminder that my Savior loved me and would bless me for bringing one of His children into the world. I knew that I had been given strength and confidence through that blessing. I have a strong testimony of the healing power of the Atonement and I try to take advantage of the Lord's love for me when ever I can.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Day of Atonement

This is going to be a rocky post because it is a hard one to understand and put into words but I’ll try my best.  In Leviticus 16 the Lord instructs Aaron to atone for himself and the Israelites. The Day of Atonement is for all the Israelites. The priest, Aaron, is supposed to have sin offerings and burnt offerings to offer up to the Lord. There is a goat which they set free to signify the sins leaving the people. It happens in the seventh month on the tenth day and no one is to do any work on that day, it is a day of fasting for all.
Before Aaron could atone for the people he had to be worthy himself and therefore had to bring his own burnt and sin offerings to offer to the Lord. They two goats that Aaron had to bring were both symbolic of the Lord. The first gave its life for the people and the second took upon itself the sins of the Israelites. 

Elder James  E. Talmage added more to the institute manual. He said,
“The sacred writings of ancient times, the inspired utterances of latter-day prophets, the traditions of mankind, the rites of sacrifice, and even the sacrileges of heathen idolatries, all involve the idea of vicarious atonement."
The word vicarious means "taking the place of another person or thing; acting or serving as a substitute."
The Lord served as our substitute, he took our place. He was willing to go through all that pain and take on our sins in order for us to be able to return to the Celestial Kingdom.  Without the Atonement we wouldn't be able to be made whole. Through Christ we are able to be perfected and return to our Heavenly father. When we repent we are shown mercy from the Lord because he was able to experience those things that we have been through. Jesus Christ suffered so much for us and we need to be willing to take advantage of the sacrifice and repent of our sins. Better yet, not sin! :) We will get there one day and we can become as our Father in Heaven through Jesus Christ.