Thursday, March 12, 2015

Jeremiah's Lamentations

In Lamentations 1:1-11 Jeremiah is grieving for Jerusalem. He explains in different ways what it is that has happened to cause Jerusalem's down fall. He says, "How is she become tributary" in verse one. Jerusalem was once an important place with power under the Lord and now, it is trivial. "Judah is gone into captivity because of affliction" he says in verse three. He continues in verse four saying, "All her gates are desolate." The people are reduced to nothing now and the city is in ruins. "Her adversaries are chief, her enemies prosper." When the Lord was present within the walls, Jerusalem reigned, now that the people have succumbed to iniquity Jerusalem has lost her power. 
If we continue in Lamentations 1:12-22 we see similarities in these and the verses found in Mormon 6:17-22. In 12-22 Jeremiah is mourning the wickedness of Jerusalem and their destruction. In Mormon 6, Mormon is mourning the wickedness of the Nephites who have all been destroyed! The destruction of each people only come after their iniquity and many warnings to repent of them. 
Lamentations 2–5 explain the reason for the suffering and destruction of the kingdom of Judah. As they are suffering there is misery, sorrow, and destruction. They then try to trust in the Lord and repent. All of the suffering they endured was due to their iniquities. In Alma 41:10 it says, "Do not suppose, because it has been spoken concerning restoration, that ye shall be restored from sin to happiness. Behold, I say unto you, wickedness never was happiness." This certainly applies to Jerusalem at this time. Their wickedness was only follow by misery and pain.
In Lamentations 5:15–22 we see a few things that it takes to be humble: we mourn our sins, we are broken-hearted, we recognize that the Lord is omnipotent and that we should trust in him always.  It is also important that we remember that the Lord has his own time table. We must diligently work to correct our mistakes.

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